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据中国汽车工业协会的数据,今年8月,我国汽车产销同比延续保持快速增长势头,乘用车消费已逐步恢复到正常状态,商用车产销实现今年以来首次同比增长。专家表示,目前我国汽车行业持续保持良好发展态势,前景看好。' H9 Z( A. R+ F& q7 B

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+ |8 W3 ]3 S& K* l  G' t) e! H; tEmployees work on the production line of an automaker in Chengdu, Sichuan province. [Photo by Li Xiangyu/for China Daily]( g6 e, y: X& j5 x' K' r0 b

% _  M! `5 a# }: @Both traditional and new energy vehicles in China may maintain robust growth momentum thanks to supportive policies and market factors, industry experts said.
5 E2 ]9 Q3 C  s) X9 p( J: K% T; H, i
行业专家表示,得益于支持性政策和市场因素,中国的传统汽车和新能源汽车市场或将均保持强劲的增长势头。& o8 _8 j& P: c; g, `) Y) Y' W
7 \# Y- P( {3 _6 w& R! n: i
The world's largest automobile market produced 2.4 million units and sold 2.38 million in August, rising 38.3 percent and 32.1 percent on a yearly basis, respectively, said the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.4 O7 D1 }( l' F
8 B5 P+ N9 g0 D7 x& {. `  v% @; P
! f* @9 k: q3 e* j+ o+ m! A( n
) \' u6 H+ a) J3 F; GBetween January and August, auto output surged 4.8 percent year-on-year to 16.97 million units, while sales rose 1.7 percent to 16.86 million units, said the association.% _4 K$ h' e! q' g: Z1 N7 V

7 `' ]7 M9 g3 O1 m$ a该协会表示,今年1至8月,中国汽车产量同比增长4.8%,达到1697万辆,销量增长1.7%,达到1686万辆。
3 S: i5 Y+ u0 G7 P/ f
# g% V" B- e, G) P8 U" HChen Shihua, CAAM deputy secretary-general, said: "Purchase tax incentives and other consumption-promoting policies continued to inject vitality into the passenger car market. Even with fluctuations in economic performance, automobile consumption remained resilient and has gradually returned to normal."9 v: Y' o& x" m( N4 r" z7 O& U
- K9 k( \) W) y, u9 k+ N
中国汽车工业协会副秘书长陈世华表示:“车辆购置税减征和其他促进消费的政策继续为乘用车市场注入活力。即使在经济出现波动的情况下,汽车消费仍保持韧性,并逐步恢复正常。”( Z# }) s- [  Y  S1 e! i0 }
6 t; U2 a6 Q# `: C, X3 Q7 D5 j$ o
Zhang Xiang, visiting professor of the Engineering Department of Huanghe Science and Technology University, said: "For the automobile market, August is often the start of the traditional high sales season. In addition, the effects of many incentive policies, which were released in May, were gradually realized in the second half of this year."
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黄河科技学院工程系客座教授张翔说:“对于汽车市场来说,8月通常是传统销售旺季的开始。此外,5月份出台的多项促进汽车消费政策的效果,在今年下半年逐步显现。”) P( B( B1 B( F- p, r, y; h' P2 T' l
) V" T) s; s. [" h0 x
The State Taxation Administration said that between June and August, a total of 3.55 million units of automobiles enjoyed purchase tax relief of 23 billion yuan.2 J( @6 w* v( W- \; O( V9 O) Q/ ?

9 \: ^/ x# R6 b) [$ Z, c# K国家税务总局表示,今年6月至8月,共有355万辆汽车享受车辆购置税减征政策,累计减征车购税230亿元。
- H& w0 v9 J; Y6 G& B, F
$ p( I, B# ^7 ~4 i8 }; t+ _& B  fThe administration said that during the three-month period, both the number of vehicles that enjoyed tax breaks and the amount of purchase tax reductions increased month by month. The policies were gradually exerting force, and benefits steadily expanded.
8 Y! s, n: ?! I/ O. ]( r
- H" o5 x! d' O国家税务总局表示,在此期间,享受车辆购置税减征的车辆数量和购置税减征金额都逐月增加。政策逐步见效,成效稳步扩大。2 }! i9 a: p. _1 F
4 `! R, Q% f2 [# p0 H, C0 m
Zhang said that in the first half, due to COVID-19, many residents were under quarantine, and 4S stores-short for Sales, Service, Spare parts and Surveys-in many places were shut down, making it difficult for consumers to leave home and purchase vehicles. In addition, the output value of automobile manufacturers was affected due to the contagion.- a5 {: L; E: {! [: M- a3 E
& v& E$ [! U  F; E3 [6 p' |
% k% d/ O0 z- m8 z/ ^& v% ?7 p: F/ \  k* w' M5 U$ l6 r
"With the epidemic situation improving, the second half of this year will definitely witness a great increase in automobile sales," he said.
3 S8 M: }4 j0 I
) I+ j) r3 {3 G; K  V8 l他说:“随着疫情的好转,今年下半年汽车销量肯定会大幅增长。”; u5 t% h6 J2 y
4 `& v7 t/ X$ X7 F( S) r  G
Chen Jia, an independent researcher in international strategy, said: "The recovery in August sustained the growth momentum in the first half of this year. Under the country's policies to ensure stability and promote consumption, NEV subsidies were further optimized, and other national promotional incentives were launched one after another. Plus the fact that automobile makers are gradually breaking production bottlenecks, the supply and sales boom in the country's automobile market is an inevitable trend."+ v' [' B, D4 y5 r

* |% H& U& e3 ^' ~独立国际策略研究员陈佳表示:“8月份的复苏延续了今年上半年的增长势头。在国家稳经济促消费的政策下,新能源汽车补贴进一步优化,其他的促进汽车消费措施相继推出。再加上汽车制造商正在逐步打破生产瓶颈,我国汽车市场的产销繁荣已成为必然趋势。”
* h% l& O- U, ~  Z+ _- A7 J+ G) |& d; m3 a9 Q3 O
Chen added: "Amid the backdrop of global industrial chain competition, the resilience of China's automobile industrial chain has been fully proved. For the rest of this year, as long as there are no major external supply chain disturbances restricting production capacity, the automobile consumption market is promising."
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& ?# k+ s; k6 W& F- N' W. i编辑:yaning" [' ~) y+ ]* k5 E
5 t5 y' @+ r) y; Z
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